Write Editions
Showing 61–71 of 71 results

Board Guide
How does a Board fulfil its dual role of performance (ensuring long-term value creation) and conformance (ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, rules and codes)? What are the roles of the Board vis-à-vis management when developing and implementing corporate strategy?
How should the Board engage shareholder activists, proxy advisers and the media, if at all?
The answers to these questions, and more, are found in the Board Guide, the definitive guide to the roles, duties, challenges and leading practices of Boards. In its 3rd Edition (2018), this guide is part of a series of Corporate Governance Guides produced by Singapore Institute of Directors and published by Write Editions.
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Audit Committee Guide
What are the differences between an internal and external auditor, especially with regard to auditor independence and the regulation of their professions? How can the AC reduce the risk of non-compliance with accounting standards and respond to regulatory reviews, such as the Financial Reporting Surveillance Programme? What are the differences between interested person and related party transactions, and what are the associated duties of the AC?
The answers to these questions, and more, are found in the Audit Committee Guide, the definitive guide to the roles, duties, challenges and leading practices of ACs. In its 3rd Edition (2018), this guide is part of a series of Corporate Governance Guides produced by Singapore Institute of Directors and published by Write Editions.
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Board Risk Committee Guide
Different companies have different committees for risk management – Management Risk Committee, Board Risk Committee, Audit and Risk Committee, specialised Board-level risk committees such as Safety and Health Committee, and so on. How should a company best structure its governance of risk? How can a company express its risk tolerance or appetite and communicate that internally and externally? What are the lines of defence that a Board can rely on to ensure that the company’s risk management and internal controls are adequate and effective?
The answers to these questions, and more, are found in the Board Risk Committee Guide. In its 3rd Edition (2018), this guide is part of a series of Corporate Governance Guides produced by Singapore Institute of Directors and published by Write Editions.
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Nominating Committee Guide
Why is gender diversity – or for that matter, Board diversity – important for an effective Board? How does an independent director suddenly lose his “independence” after nine years on the Board? How do directors remove the Board Chairman?
The answers to these questions and more are provided in the Nominating Committee Guide, the definitive guide to the roles, duties, challenges and leading practices of NCs. In its 3rd Edition (2018), this guide is part of a series of Corporate Governance Guides produced by Singapore Institute of Directors and published by Write Editions.
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Remuneration Committee Guide
How much, and how, should CEOs be paid? Should shares be used to remunerate employees and directors? If so, what are the risks and risk management issues to consider? What are the kinds of demands regulators, shareholders and other stakeholders place on pay decisions and disclosures?
The answers to these and other questions can be found in the Remuneration Committee Guide, the definitive guide to the workings of RCs, and the issues faced by them. In its 3rd Edition (2018), this guide is part of a series of Corporate Governance Guides produced by Singapore Institute of Directors and published by Write Editions.
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Resource Guide
The Corporate Governance Guides for Boards in Singapore is a series of online and printed guides to help Boards and directors of Singapore-incorporated companies to discharge their duties more effectively. The series consists of Resource Guide, Board Guide, Audit Committee Guide, Board Risk Committee Guide, Nominating Committee Guide, Remuneration Committee Guide, and eGuide to the Code of Corporate Governance.
This Resource Guide provides readers with an overview of all seven Guides in the series, as well as useful navigational tips for both the online and printed versions. In its 3rd Edition (2018), this guide is part of a series of Corporate Governance Guides produced by Singapore Institute of Directors and published by Write Editions.
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Leading Reform
As the prime mover of the prison reform in Singapore that brought down the prison population from more than 18,000 to fewer than 13,000 between 2002 and 2006, author Chua Chin Kiat draws on his experience of transforming the Singapore Prison Service. Leaders in the public, people and private sectors will benefit from the step-by-step guide and leadership perspectives of the author in this book.
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The M Quotient
This book celebrates the lives of 13 prominent personalities – including the late President S R Nathan – who had migrated from the small town of Muar in Malaysia to Singapore, where they pursued their dreams and attain prominence. The M Quotient – the unique Muar spirit, culture and values – were to serve them well they went on to achieve noteworthy success.
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Raw Diamonds
“Raw Diamonds” is a sweet reminder that we are all connected in some ways and we can all make an impact on a teen’s life – for good, and for the better. Truly, each and every teen – notwithstanding his or her vocation and background – is a precious diamond born and destined to shine – when we believe.
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Common to Uncommon
Andrew survived four near-death traumas that dramatically transformed his life. He believes the answer to one’s life transformation lies within each of us and the quality of your life vitally depends on the quality of the questions you constantly ask yourself: “Why am I here on earth?”; “Who do I want to become when I grow up?”; “What can I do to fire my dream and imagination?” Common To Uncommon is about living large . Readers begin a journey of self-discovery, learning to embrace delicately calibrated thinking patterns, techniques and skills to help them navigate through the minefields of life and to seize opportunities. Do you have an audacious dream? Do you believe you can achieve it? You can if you think you can. Truly, when you believe, you can turn from being common to uncommon, and fulfil your true destiny.
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Harmony In Progress
The World Expo 2010 Shanghai China ranks not just as the biggest cultural gathering in the 160-year history of Expo but also in the history of mankind as well. If one regards the Shanghai Expo as a channel of communication between China and the world, then this book by Professor Zhang Lu and Dr. Wu Jianzhong may be viewed as a dialogue between Singapore and Shanghai on the future of urban development. It is an in-depth study of the Shanghai Expo spiritual legacy, through a collection of incisive dialogues between the two authors.
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