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我一无所知: 教我神的话语
没有人能够逃脱死亡,也没有人知道是何时。《我一无所知:教我神的话语》诞生于作者Elaine Ng绝望而坚定地与赵江洪先生一起走过死亡幽谷,赵先生同时患有癌症复发和心脏衰竭。为他的生命而战开启了这趟旅程,他们在教会中寻求干预,并及时接受了洗礼。而上帝的恩典,让赵先生在去世前,在没有痛苦的情况下生活了一年,平静地离开,与主同在。为什么上帝没有一直医治他?Elaine并没有离开上帝,而是认真地开始了她的探求,寻找关于灵性问题的答案,围绕死亡和医治的问题—关于为什么上帝不医治所有的病人、以及死后的灵和魂会发生什么–通过神的话语。本书以《圣经》的启示为基础,希望能给被“为什么”和“为什么是我”的问题所困扰的读者带来永恒的观点、信心和希望。
出版商 Published & Copyright © 2022 by Elaine Ng 黄淑卿
Produced by Word Editions®
ISBN: 978-981-18-5279-4 [平装本]
ISBN: 978-981-18-5280-0 [电子书]
Category: Organisation Books
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增员: 保险业组织发展 Recruitment For Insurance Agency Building
作者何国仁Gordon Hoo从事保险 业多年,如今作为一名企业教练,他在本书中以自己独一无二的坦率方式揭露了建立组织发展增员长期成功的秘诀。Gordon在金融服务行业打滚了三十年,他所经历的挫折、成功与失败让他累积了不少经验,因此他希望以此启发现今与新一代的业务员和经理去
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出版方Published by Gordon Hoo Consultancy Private Limited
Produced by Write Editions®
ISBN:978-981-14-8855-9(平装版)| 中文 [paperback]
ISBN:978-981-14-8856-6(电子书)| 中文 [ebook]
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in The HeartTruth Series, he addresses eight time-tested, principle-driven heart truths that he has discovered to be key to building a productive, enduring agency. These include: make ‘recruitment’ one’s dominant thought; recognise that recruitment is complex; and attract, don’t chase talents. If you’re an aspiring manager (or agent) or a manager facing mounting challenges, this book is for you. Gordon hopes to transform your mindset, set your heart right and turn you into a top recruiter and agency manager.
Published by Gordon Hoo Consultancy Private Limited
Produced by Write Editions®
ISBN: 978-981-14-7742-3 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-981-14-7743-0 (ebook)
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