Recruitment For Insurance Agency Building

In his inimitable, no holds barred fashion, insurance veteran, coach and author Gordon Hoo unveils the secrets of cultivating long-term recruitment success for agency building. Gleaned from his 30

years of hard knocks, failures and successes in the financial services industry, Gordon hopes to inspire the current and new generations of agents and managers to truly build agencies that last and thrive. In Recruitment for Insurance Agency Building, Gordon’s maiden book and the first

in The HeartTruth Series, he addresses eight time-tested, principle-driven heart truths that he has discovered to be key to building a productive, enduring agency. These include: make ‘recruitment’ one’s dominant thought; recognise that recruitment is complex; and attract, don’t chase talents. If you’re an aspiring manager (or agent) or a manager facing mounting challenges, this book is for you. Gordon hopes to transform your mindset, set your heart right and turn you into a top recruiter and agency manager.

Published by Gordon Hoo Consultancy Private Limited

Produced by Write Editions®

ISBN: 978-981-14-7742-3 (paperback)

ISBN: 978-981-14-7743-0 (ebook)



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