Commissioned Books
Showing 13–24 of 26 results

The Best Recipe For Tofu
Young Tofu lives with her Uncle Ayu and helps him sell fish. Often, she works long hours on an empty stomach. What can Uncle Ayu do to provide Tofu the care that she needs to grow well? Written by Emily Lim and illustrated by Jade Fang. This is part of the 4-book series commissioned by the Ministry of Social and Family Development, in conjunction with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
“The best interests of the child must be a primary consideration in all decisions and actions affecting the child, or children as a group. This holds true whether decisions are made by government, administrative or judicial authorities or by families themselves.” – Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
ISBN: 978-981-07-5379-5 (paperback) | 2013
ISBN: 978-981-07-5380-1 (e-book)
SUBJECTS: Children/General | 24 Pages
Published by: Ministry of Social and Family Development
Produced by: Write Editions

I Want To Be a Cheese Taster!
A class of mice are discussing what they want to do when they grow up. Feta surprises everyone with his dream job, which is very different from what mice typically do. Will the other mice be able to accept Feta's viewpoint? Written by Emily Lim and illustrated by Laura Liberatore. This is part of the 4-book series commissioned by the Ministry of Social and Family Development, in conjunction with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
“Children should be allowed to express their opinions, especially in matters concerning themselves. They have the right to have their views heard and taken seriously.” – Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
ISBN: 978-981-07-5377-1 (paperback) | 2013
ISBN: 978-981-07-5378-8 (e-book)
SUBJECTS: Children/General | 24 Pages
Published by: Ministry of Social and Family Development
Produced by: Write Editions

Is That Rainbowsaurus So Different From Us?
Libby the Rainbowsaurus moves into a new neighbourhood. The Blusauruses avoid Libby as they have never seen anyone like her before. Is Libby really so different from them? Written by Emily Lim and illustrated by Jade Fang. This is part of the 4-book series commissioned by the Ministry of Social and Family Development, in conjunction with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
“Children must not suffer discrimination irrespective of the child’s or his or her parent’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.” – Article 2 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
ISBN: 978-981-07-5375-7 (paperback) | 2013
ISBN: 978-981-07-5376-4 (e-book)
SUBJECTS: Children/General | 24 Pages
Published by: Ministry of Social and Family Development
Produced by: Write Editions

Elvis and the Feathers School of Music
A music school for "birds only" is having a concert where its performers will be able to develop their potential further. Elvis the frog dreams of singing at this important event. But can he ever be accepted? Written by Emily Lim and illustrated by Laura Liberatore. This is part of the 4-book series commissioned by the Ministry of Social and Family Development, in conjunction with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
“Children have a right to survival and development in all aspects of their lives, including the physical, emotional, psycho-social, cognitive, social and cultural.” – Article 6 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
ISBN: 978-981-07-5381-8 (paperback) | 2013
ISBN: 978-981-07-5382-5 (e-book)
SUBJECTS: Children/General | 24 Pages
Published by: Ministry of Social and Family Development
Produced by: Write Editions

Caring For Seniors
The guidebook is dedicated to inspire and impart knowledge, skills and experiences to staff of different Seniors Activity Centres (SACs) , so that they can be enabled to extend effective services to meet the all-compassing needs of a senior — physical, mental, social, emotional, living conditions, etc. Its contents have been produced by one of SAC pioneers in Singapore, TOUCH Seniors Activity Centre, which opened in 1998.
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Person-Centred Approach Kit
This Person-Centred Approach (PCA) Toolkit aims to inspire and equip caregivers to move towards the person-centred approach. You can apply the principles and tools featured across different eldercare settings. Presented in an easy-to-understand format and featuring four pillars – Philosophy, People, Place, and Programme – you will be led to understand the PCA rationale and concept.
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Got A Life?
This book is a collection of real-life stories of youths in their early to late teens. It is about their encounters with cyber issues and how they overcome them. Written in a candid way, each chapter captures different cyber dangers, such as gaming addiction, online scams and even sexual harassment. It also features problems youths face today, lessons learnt and practical tips from cyber wellness counsellors. For parents and teachers, the ready-to-use instructions will help them guide their teens and students to make safe, smart, and ethical decisions in the digital world, in order to stay cyber safe, and cyber well.
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P.O.S. Parents Over Shoulder
P.O.S or Parents Over Shoulder invites you to take a peek into your children’s digital life. Written from teenagers’ perspectives, through letters addressed to parents, you will have a better understanding of the digital world they live in and how to connect with them more effectively in this digital age. Tips from cyber wellness counsellors are also provided in this book to help you better understand your children’s online motivations, learn more about the invisible virtual world and introduce simple methods of connecting with them.
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Our Very Own
"Our Very Own" is an inspiring collection of true stories. Honest, heartfelt and reflective, these stories give readers poignant glimpses of the raw emotions which the adoptive parents go through – unbearable pain, fears, anxieties, feelings of longing and despair – while celebrating their journey of unconditional love, courage, fulfilled dreams, hope and self-discovery. The book also addresses practical adoption issues like making a decision on adoption, the adoption process, and ways to care for adopted children. A first-of-its-kind in Singapore, “Our Very Own” is a vital resource book for adoptive parents and for service providers working in the area of adoption.
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The Joy Of Service
In this deeply personal and delightful memoir, Toi Boon How, in his inimitable wit, gentleness and grace, reminisces his over 80 years of his life – from his humble childhood kampong days to being a businessman and grassroots leader serving the community. Readers young and old from all walks of life will be able to take a leaf from Toi’s life story.
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Sculpture Square
This book tells the story of the first 15 years of SSQ: from the time it boldly redefined what an old dilapidated chapel could do to defining the visual landscape of Singapore.
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Clinical Supervision
“Clinical Supervision” offers various perspectives of clinical supervision, with rich anecdotal examples of actual supervisory practices. Written by authors who practise counselling and supervision in their daily work, this book is not simply a collection of theoretical ideas, but a
demonstration of how such ideas are experienced in supervisory challenges and practices. It is written with the aim of delivering the ultimate dividends for clients – their wellbeing.
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