Organisation Books
Showing 13–24 of 46 results

Recruitment For Insurance Agency Building
In his inimitable, no holds barred fashion, insurance veteran, coach and author Gordon Hoo unveils the secrets of cultivating long-term recruitment success for agency building. Gleaned from his 30
years of hard knocks, failures and successes in the financial services industry, Gordon hopes to inspire the current and new generations of agents and managers to truly build agencies that last and thrive. In Recruitment for Insurance Agency Building, Gordon’s maiden book and the first
in The HeartTruth Series, he addresses eight time-tested, principle-driven heart truths that he has discovered to be key to building a productive, enduring agency. These include: make ‘recruitment’ one’s dominant thought; recognise that recruitment is complex; and attract, don’t chase talents. If you’re an aspiring manager (or agent) or a manager facing mounting challenges, this book is for you. Gordon hopes to transform your mindset, set your heart right and turn you into a top recruiter and agency manager.
Published by Gordon Hoo Consultancy Private Limited
Produced by Write Editions®
ISBN: 978-981-14-7742-3 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-981-14-7743-0 (ebook)

增员: 保险业组织发展 Recruitment For Insurance Agency Building
作者何国仁Gordon Hoo从事保险 业多年,如今作为一名企业教练,他在本书中以自己独一无二的坦率方式揭露了建立组织发展增员长期成功的秘诀。Gordon在金融服务行业打滚了三十年,他所经历的挫折、成功与失败让他累积了不少经验,因此他希望以此启发现今与新一代的业务员和经理去
建立真正持久茁壮的组织。《增员: 保险业组织发展》是Gordon推出的首本书,也是《真心话》系列中的第一部;他在本书中提出八个经过时间考验、以原则为主导的 “真心话”——他发现它们是建立高效、持久组织的关键。其中一些 “真心话” 包括:使“增员”成为你的主导思想、认识到增员的复杂性、吸引人才,不要穷追不舍等。如果你是位心怀抱负的经理(或业务员)或是一位正在面临巨大挑战的经理,这本书是写给你的。Gordon希望你的思想能因此改变,心态得到修正,好让你转变成为顶尖的招聘人员和组织经理。
出版方Published by Gordon Hoo Consultancy Private Limited
Produced by Write Editions®
ISBN:978-981-14-8855-9(平装版)| 中文 [paperback]
ISBN:978-981-14-8856-6(电子书)| 中文 [ebook]

Perekrutan untuk Pengembangan Agensi Asuransi
Dengan gaya yang tak ada bandingannya, veteran asuransi, pembimbing dan penulis Gordon Hoo mengungkap rahasia mencapai sukses perekrutan jangka panjang untuk pengembangan agensi. Dipetik dari 30 tahun pengalamannya berjuang, mengalami kegagalan dan kesuksesan dalam industri jasa keuangan, Gordon berharap dapat menginspirasi generasi para agen dan manajer
di saat ini dan masa mendatang untuk benarbenar membangun agensi yang berkembang
dan bertahan lama. Dalam Perekrutan untuk Pengembangan Agensi Asuransi, yang merupakan buku sulung Gordon dan yang pertama dari serial The HeartTruths, ia membahas delapan kebenaran hakiki yang telah teruji waktu, dijiwai prinsip-prinsip kebenaran, yang telah ditemukannya sebagai kunci untuk mengembangkan agensi yang pro duktif dan tak lekang oleh waktu. Termsuk juga di dalamnya: menjadikan ‘perekrutan’ sebagai pikiran dominan seseorang; menyadari bahwa perekrutan adalah hal yang kompleks; pikatlah, jangan kejar para calon agen
berbakat. Jika Anda seorang calon manaje (atau agen) atau Anda seorang manager yang sedang menghadapi masalah yang menggunung, buku ini ditulis bagi Anda. Gordon berharap untuk mentransformasi pola pikir Anda, menetapkan hati Anda secara benar dan mengubah Anda menjadi seorang perekrut dan manajer yang hebat.
Diterbitkan oleh (Published) by Gordon Hoo Consultancy Private Limited
Produced by Write Editions®
ISBN: 978-981-14-7742-3 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-981-14-7743-0 (ebook)

Heart Sell
In today’s highly competitive global sales environment, you would wish someone could show you the essential ropes for effective selling. You want to overcome the obstacles you are facing, craft out your own market, and get ahead of your competitors. Now you can. In “Heart Sell”, Angela Oh draws upon her own sales experiences and key lessons from sales gurus around the world to help you rise above your circumstances, create possibilities, and be exceptionally good in sales. She has filled this book with inspiring stories and proven sales techniques, aimed to spur you to think and stay positive, plan to win systematically, and turn problems into opportunities. Step into this sales journey with Angela, and be the successful salesperson you are meant to be.
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I AM UNTAUGHT: Teach Me the Word
No one escapes death. And no one knows when. I Am Untaught: Teach Me the Word is born out of author Elaine Ng’s desperate yet determined walk through the valley of the shadows of death with her husband Solomon Chew Kong Hong, who suffered simultaneously from cancer relapse and heart failure. The fight for his life sparked a journey that saw them seeking intervention at a church, their timely baptism, and God’s gracious providence that allowed Chew to live a year without pain before he passed away peacefully to be with the Lord. Why did God not heal him all the way? Elaine did not walk away from God but instead began in earnest her quest for answers to her spiritual questions surrounding death and healing – on why God does not heal all the afflicted and what happens to the soul and spirit after death – through the Word of God. Founded on Bible revelations, the book aspires to bring eternal perspective, confidence and hope to all readers burdened by questions of “why” and “why me?”
Published & Copyright © 2022 by Elaine Ng
Produced by Word Editions®
ISBN: 978-981-18-5267-1 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-981-18-5268-8 (eBook)

我一无所知: 教我神的话语
没有人能够逃脱死亡,也没有人知道是何时。《我一无所知:教我神的话语》诞生于作者Elaine Ng绝望而坚定地与赵江洪先生一起走过死亡幽谷,赵先生同时患有癌症复发和心脏衰竭。为他的生命而战开启了这趟旅程,他们在教会中寻求干预,并及时接受了洗礼。而上帝的恩典,让赵先生在去世前,在没有痛苦的情况下生活了一年,平静地离开,与主同在。为什么上帝没有一直医治他?Elaine并没有离开上帝,而是认真地开始了她的探求,寻找关于灵性问题的答案,围绕死亡和医治的问题—关于为什么上帝不医治所有的病人、以及死后的灵和魂会发生什么--通过神的话语。本书以《圣经》的启示为基础,希望能给被“为什么”和“为什么是我”的问题所困扰的读者带来永恒的观点、信心和希望。
出版商 Published & Copyright © 2022 by Elaine Ng 黄淑卿
Produced by Word Editions®
ISBN: 978-981-18-5279-4 [平装本]
ISBN: 978-981-18-5280-0 [电子书]

Praises Unto Him: Nancie’s Testimony
Praises unto Him is Nancie Hong’s testimony of her trials and tribulations through her long illness
and how suffering nurtured her to be a committed Christian. Narrated through 26 engaging anecdotes, it is filled with faith, love and hope.
Published by Hong Hai
Produced by Word Editions®
ISBN: 978-981-18-3902-3 (hardback)
ISBN: 978-981-18-3903-0 (ebook)

Weaving Compassion
Weaving Compassion: Relational Understandings and Practices carries an important message that compassionate practice is possible across different contexts: counselling, supervision, as well as leadership and management. Bringing together a community of thought leaders and notable practitioners in the domain of psychotherapy and counselling, this seminal compendium comprises penetrating insights, broad subject matters and real-life stories on how compassion is appreciated and practised. This book serves as a tribute to the late Anthony Yeo (1948-2009), affectionately recognised as the Father of Counselling in Singapore. It evinces his enduring legacy of compassionate practice and hopes to be a voice for everyone: social service practitioners, trainers, managers, industry leaders and policymakers who aspire to create a practice culture where empathy, learning and growth perpetuate.

The Magical Rule of 3
In The Magical Rule of 3, entrepreneur and author Mario Singh shares how anyone can
utilise powerful principles and strategies to achieve personal, financial and entrepreneurial
success in the 21st century. No stranger to adversity in his growing up years, Mario shares about his life story and how these exact principles and strategies have helped him achieve massive personal and professional success. Organised in 3 Parts with 7 chapters each in the areas of Personal Success, Financial Success and Entrepreneurial Success, Mario expertly weaves in these principles and strategies into “Rules of 3”. Mario’s candid sharing, coupled with many of his personal examples, make The Magical Rule of 3 a fascinating read for start-up entrepreneurs and seasoned business leaders alike. It aspires to take their game to the next level, especially in a post-COVID-19 world.
For more info:

Secret Conversations with Trading Tycoons
Like no other, Secret Conversations with Trading Tycoons is arguably the only book ever to remarkably assemble 12 top traders in the world to reveal their time-tested trading secrets. Considered among the world’s greatest financial minds, these luminaries share in earnest and with magnanimity their philosophy, wisdom and winning strategies in
trading with bestselling author Mario Singh, regarded worldwide as a global financial expert and Asia’s top forex coach.
Spending hundreds of hours over two years corresponding with each of the 12 trading tycoons, Mario has probed into their insights and methodically distilled for readers the most essential lessons from their conversations – chief among all: what truly makes a successful trader.
Intrinsic to the motivation behind this book –Mario’s third – is his firm belief that
mentorship – imparting, learning and embracing lessons from the best – can spur
and fulfil an individual’s quest for life purpose and success. After all, Mario himself lives by
this maxim:
“Success is the passionate, persistent, progressive pursuit of a productive purpose.”
ISBN: 978-981-11-7931-0 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-981-11-7932-7 (ebook)
Published by: 1FX International
Produced by: Write Editions

Unlocking The World’s Largest Financial Secret
In this book, author Mario Singh, regarded worldwide as a global financial expert and Asia’s favourite Forex Coach, shares his journey, insight and knowhow in unlocking real money from the Forex Market. Comprehensive, incisive and highly readable, readers will be guided step-by-step
in understanding the Forex Market with 12 keys to Forex Freedom, including:
• Why trade Forex
• Factors that move the Forex Market
• FX Waves
• The law of strategies
• The law of money management
• The law of state
• Habits

Spotlight Singapore
The Spotlight Singapore story begins with a dream; a daring yet profound dream to bridge the worlds of arts and culture, and business. Through its five editions in six cities, Spotlight Singapore, an initiative by The Old Parliament House Limited, has emphatically demonstrated that arts and culture can indeed be a powerful vehicle to link one culture with another, a business with another, and most of all, a people with another. It is simply, cultural diplomacy par excellence. This book Spotlight Singapore chronicles its journey of adventures in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Moscow, Cape Town, Bratislava and Prague; at the same time, it sounds the clarion call to embrace arts and culture as a truly universal language to forge friendships, explore possibilities, and seize opportunities. At last, the Spotlight Singapore’s dream–turned– reality has to be attributed to a daring band of protagonists: Colin Goh, Phan Ming Yen, Florence Lee and Tan Tee Tong. They know no bounds, no “nos”, and no “what ifs”. Their indomitable spirit reflects the zest of Spotlight Singapore, and undergirds its traverse in the years to come.
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