Write Editions
Showing 25–36 of 71 results

Speaking Up For Mental Illness
In today’s society, the stigma of mental illness is prevalent and pervasive. This book chronicles the research on mental illness over the past 38 years and the indefatigable effort of mental health professionals in the destigmatization campaign in Singapore. Speaking Up for Mental Illness is a personal narrative of author Professor Kua Ee Heok. It is a testament that change is possible.
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Colours of Ageing
This book explores the mind of a generation who survived the Second World War and witnessed the dramatic rise of Singapore from third world to first. A distillate of five epidemiological studies, this book is written from a longitudinal perspective, viewed through the lens of time by a doctor, who conducted the research with his team. The 30 years of research on the mental health of the Singapore elderly is a tapestry of myriad colours of people from different ethnicities, cultures and social hierarchies.
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Mental Healthcare of The Elderly
Mental healthcare in many Asian countries mirrors the British model, which in the past was focused on the large mental asylum but now has a community emphasis. Geriatric Psychiatry books in libraries and bookshops are mainly from Britain and North America. In recent years, Asian countries have begun to rethink, reorganise and introduce innovations to improve their mental health services. Mental Healthcare of the Elderly contains some of these new ideas and is a primer for health professionals who are involved in the care of elderly people with mental health problems like depression and dementia.
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Ageing Baby Boomers
The baby boomers have come of age – the first cohort born in 1946 is now 65 years old. This book is, in essence, a quantitative and qualitative study of the collective experiences of the lives of 40 young lads in a small Malaysian town who were from the same school in 1964, and another group of baby boomers in Singapore. Written from an Asian perspective by Professor Kua Ee-Heok, its pervasive themes are mental resilience, the ethical mind and life satisfaction.
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Ageing with Dignity
A 10-year Study on Positive Ageing and Dementia Prevention in Singapore.
Ageing with Dignity captures key findings and insights from a 10-year study on positive ageing and dementia prevention in Singapore. It aims to fill the lacunae of knowledge on ageing in Singapore, from which, enables both young and elderly people to have a better and positive perspective of ageing. Some of the most pressing issues covered are mindfulness, diet, smell and loss impairment, oral health, language and memory.It can be a road map for future research enterprise with translational relevance. Published in collaboration with Mind Science Centre, NUHS & NUS. Read more
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Counselling Older Adults
Counselling Older Adults, now in its second edition (2020), seeks to engender in healthcare and social service professionals and caregivers a deeper understanding of older persons, so as to counsel them more effectively. In addition, this easy-to-read book provides managers and supervisors of older workers with numerous useful tips for daily applications. Finally, it will inspire older adults to age with grace and dignity.
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Gerontological Counselling
This handbook is a trainer’s guide to counselling elders and their family members from Asian backgrounds. It places emphasis on ageing processes and issues, counselling older persons and their families, and culture-specific factors which affect the experiences of older persons.
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Essentials of Counselling Competencies
A counsellor’s self-awareness and understanding of what counselling is (and what it is not) are foundational for a beginning counsellor’s learning journey. In this practical guide, four authors have assiduously tapped on their considerable expertise and experience to bring readers some of the most critical competencies any counsellor should aspire to acquire. These include: Knowing Yourself • The Six Cs of Counselling • Capitalising on the First Interview • Microskills in Counselling • Ethics in Counselling • Therapeutic Boundaries • Recognising Mental Disorders for Counsellors
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Money Wisdom
In Money Wisdom, author and veteran financial adviser Christoper Tan distils his over 20 years of broad and penetrating insights—penned painstakingly in a series of articles and commentaries—to equip ordinary, working individuals and families with financial truths and tools. These include risk mitigation, insurance planning, retirement planning and personal finance, all of which are aimed at guiding readers to make purposeful life and financial decisions. Genuine, personal and comprehensive, Money Wisdom serves as a roadmap to inspire readers and even sophisticated investors to build meaningful and enduring financial wellness.
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How Much Money Is Enough?
A school dropout at 13 years, veteran financial adviser and author Benny Ong entered the insurance industry in 1967 and after 23 years, set up his own company and pioneered a fee-based advisory for personal and business financial planning in Singapore. In retrospect, after 50 years of dealing with and observing how people relate to money, Benny feels compelled to share his insights on the provocative question: “How much money is enough?” In his inimitable style, Benny uses his own life stories, anecdotes and real-life events to articulate his thoughts on the seven rules in achieving financial freedom.
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Staying’ Alive
As society advances at breakneck speed amid widespread digital disruption and information avalanche—including the ever-increasing bombardment of contradictory advice and news on health—how do you stay healthy to live well? Stayin’ Alive aims to empower readers to think and live healthily by uncovering common health myths and facts swirling around online and offline. Authored by leading cardiologist Dr Mak Koon Hou, this easy-to-read, informative and intriguing book helps you get your body in shape, understand the truth regarding diet and exercise, and finally, apply the knowledge daily.
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Nature. Health. Happiness.
Due to rapid urbanisation, an increasing number of people are now living in cities, losing their connection with nature. In recent years, numerous studies have shown that living near greenery helps people live longer, healthier and happier lives. This book is a compilation of perspectives from professionals who have an avid interest in nature and the green environment. The Nature and Mindful Awareness Study (NaMAS) has indicated that walking mindfully in the rainforest can enhance well-being and mental resilience. We believe there is an urgent need to protect our rainforest for our future generations. This book is published in collaboration with NParks and NUS Mind Science Centre.
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