Write Editions aims to publish books that illuminate minds and enrich souls. Every Write Editions book is distinguished by contents that address the day’s most relevant concerns, and bolstered by the finest editorial, design and production quality.

Think. Coach. Thrive!
Fortifying Antifragility in Organisations Through Workplace Coaching The quest to fortify antifragility in organisations has never been more urgent. The global operating environment is evolving from being ‘VUCAH’ to ‘BANI’. Managers need to unrelentingly seek ways to develop the most valuable asset they are charged with – human capital. Dubbed by experts as ‘seminal’, ‘refreshingly prolific’, ‘novel’, ‘transformational’ and ‘thought-provoking’, Think. Coach. Thrive! offers people leaders a powerful business model that unlocks human potential and develops antifragility, a characteristic of resilience that defies stressors, impelling one to bounce back even stronger when under stress. Read More
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Clearly Speak
Articulate with Confidence, Civility and Courage Are you confident in speaking up in a meeting or delivering a speech? Are you engaging in a conversation? Do your words reflect your leadership? Can you deal effectively with a dispute or conflict? Clearly Speak offers principles and pointers on how to engage and inspire your listeners, while being sensitive to human emotions and cross-cultural norms. Highly readable and succinct, it is replete with stories, anecdotes and examples to facilitate learning. Read More
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Clearly Write
Win Over Your Readers with Clarity and Concision Highly readable and succinct, Clearly Write provides direct, definitive and practical guidance on how to write with clarity and concision. The book is distilled from author and former Auditor-General Lim Soo Ping’s over four decades of experience with the writing of Cabinet papers, board papers, policy papers, etc; it is also the culmination of the author’s three-year teaching of a course on writing for management executives at the SMU Academy. Read More
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Growth by Choice
Make Space for the Better You Every choice matters. It inextricably causes an individual to grow, stagnate or slide. Author Haresh Khoobchandani has experienced this first hand, starting out as a flight steward through to his career today as a global executive leader in the technology sector. He examines the connective tissue between choice and growth and prompts reflection on the opportunities presented to us in the moments that matter. Growth is an infinite, uniquely adventurous journey. Live yours!  Read More
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Think To Thrive
Thinking happens almost automatically from the day we are born. However, this can be said of speaking and listening. We all know that few people speak well and listen well. It is the same for thinking: few think well. This book Think to Thrive will examine the basis of thinking and introduce a fundamental model of a process of good thinking called PEARL. The simple and effective tool can be used to improve thinking in any situation we face. PEARL is as applicable in the classroom as in the boardroom.  Read More
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Book cover - Leading for good
Leading for Good
The quest to galvanise the collective strength and imagination of leaders across the four major sectors – public, for-profit, non-profit and people – has never been more urgent. Against a myriad of unprecedented challenges brought about by multi-dimensional threats such as economic inequality, climate change and global health crises – the Covid-19 pandemic being the most recent – how can leaders work collaboratively to flourish together? Read More
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Data Unplugged
Data Unplugged
Understanding the concepts of data has become more critical than ever as the world grapples with the age of information. In Data Unplugged: Understanding Data and Why It Matters, data strategist and technologist Parviz Foroughian explores some of the most fundamental concepts of data and its related technologies by juxtaposing powerful and complex concepts – all explained in plain language – with practical real-world examples of how data is transforming the world and impacting our future. He aspires to lead readers to unplug and understand data, to ultimately make better, smarter decisions.  Read More
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Book cover Profiles in Resilience
Profiles in Resilience
Tough times don’t last, but tough people do! The recipe for resilience lies in the practice and joy of being in touch with humanity and nature. Profiles in Resilience has been inspired by the crisis wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic. In spite of their humble beginnings – some beset by abject poverty – the 20 individuals featured in the book are able to emerge as accomplished leaders in their fields, through sheer diligence, perseverance and dare. They have been senior civil servants, corporate leaders, university professors, and even a top motor racer and fashionista. Read More
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Take Heart
Take Heart offers a raw, poignant personal account of how a young person came through the big, black dog of depression, and brought out the good that lay in the messy, uncomfortable emotions. Dubbed “a call to action”, the book invites a call to listen to the whispers of our hearts and to pursue the life that is truly calling us. Our emotions are an experience. Ultimately, it is how we relate to these emotions that determines if we’ll simply go through these emotions, or we’ll grow through them.  Read more  
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Weight. Identity. Self-Acceptance. Lighter is a heartfelt exploration of health and self-acceptance. Juxtaposing the authors’ own stories and vulnerable experiences with cutting-edge knowledge on health, wellness, food, diets and psychology, it guides the reader to better connect with the science of healthy living, the study of epigenetics and the goal of embracing self-kindness and self-acceptance. Read More
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I Thought I Knew
I Thought I Knew is a poignant, blow-by-blow account of a leading urologist whose world collapsed when he discovered he himself faced the very condition he was expert in – prostate cancer. Lying on a cold operating table one Saturday morning in December 2017, Prof Christopher Cheng realised he had entered the dusk of unknowns. Not even his 37 years of professional life in the field could prepare him for the momentous episode – a professor turned patient.  Read More
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Stop. Buying Financial Policies
Cultivating Financial Clarity with Money Mindfulness Finally, a book that adeptly underlines the essence of financial clarity and the power of money mindfulness is here. Dubbed a “game-changer”, “masterful work” and “breath of fresh air”, this book offers unconventional yet sound, practical and calibrated financial counsel to free readers from mindlessly buying policies that they don’t really need. Read More
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